[World] Ukraine develops new 80K6T radar with digital APAR

For one of Southeast-Asia country http://defence-blog.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/160602_4_80K6T-696x508.jpg(Radar 80К6Т)

“Scientific and Production Complex “Iskra” (SE SPC “Iskra”) has developed new 80K6T active radar station with digital Active Phased Array multifunction Radar (APAR) for one of Southeast-Asia country, reported by defence-ua.com.

The 80K6T is a is a mobile all-round 3D-coordinated surveillance radar station of the low/medium/high altitudes with coordinates and routes outputs, operating in autonomous mode or as a part of regional and national automated control system (ACS) and used as a part of anti-aircraft forces for target designation output for anti-aircraft complexes as an information unit in the Air Forces and Air Defense for air traffic control and monitoring. The radar belongs to type GCI according to NATO classification.

 Radar Station provides: 

♘ detection, tracking and measuring of the flying objects three coordinates and their ground speed under conditions without interference and under the natural and active and passive jamming influence, and also under their combined impact;

♘ aircraft state belonging determination, obtaining from your state’s aircraft individual and flight data, its displaying and distribution to the consumer, definition of elevation and azimuth bearings on the jammers;

♘ providing information on autonomous display means and interaction with command posts of regional and high-ranking national ACS.

http://defence-blog.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/80K6T_2_en-1024x463.jpgMain advantages of 80К6Т Radar Station:

♖ Detection range 500 km
♖ Elevation coverage 70°
♖ Automatic active jamming compensation
♖ Low sidelobes of the antenna pattern
♖ 16 independent parallel beams
♖ Antenna in-built distributed transmitter with low losses
♖ TR System high reliability
♖ Radar deployment time – 20 minutes
♖ Automatic troubleshooting
♖ Flight information, diagnostics status and negotiations registration for 70 days term.

As a consequence of 80K6T active radar station development company SE SPC “Iskra” have possibility now to participate in the tender procedure in one of the Southeast-Asia countries*, which has been lasting at present. At the same time, during the last year two major countries from Middle-East region took an interest to arrange domestic manufacturing of the mentioned radar and “Iskra” have already established the contractual relationship with one of the countries.

 ♖ defence blog  

sumber : https://garudamiliter.blogspot.com/

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