Terma Preparing to Open An Office in Indonesia

The orders fall over at Terma https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiPUz9NBGG94FZLDdacjTwZa51j49O2rhokacQ98z8qtgIG6VkGfdiImpmy4j0VcmSY_xU-7NNwcGtyctig-VZIzIcjB3KLkMqHKssNORticaXERp0JVRDzvMB_3Hn78NOhXAxCPzVuNMrR/s1600/KRI+Fatahillah+361.jpgIKRI Fatahillah 361 with Terma Radar [TNI AL]

Revenue increased by 6%. to $ 1.917 billion and thus approaching the milestone of DKK 2 billion. At the same time, profit before tax increased by DKK 15 million. DKK 110 million to DKK 110 million.

In addition, Terma welcomed a "very satisfactory order intake" of DKK 2,842 billion. The total order book thus rose by a small billion to DKK 3,222 billion. kr.

☆ During the financial year, we secured several significant contracts. Among other things, we have signed a 10-year support, maintenance and development contract with the Ministry of Defense's Material and Purchasing Service, and we have had a breakthrough in the Canadian market with radar systems for their coastguard. We have secured several large contracts with the US Air Force on self-protection and advanced pylons, and we expect further inflow of orders by the US Air Force this year. It confirms that the United States remains Terma's most important market, but both Europe and the Far East have also developed positively. We are thus preparing to open an office in Indonesia later this year, says CEO Jes Munk Hansen.

 More employees in Grenaa 

Also for the US F-35 program, Terma has been awarded new contracts for the production of structural parts and electronics. This has meant increased busyness at the Lystrup and Grenaa factories.

☆ Our dedicated commitment to the F-35 program today represents a significant part of Terma's overall business, and we are gaining high recognition from customers and F-35 program management for our ability to deliver in a timely and high quality, says Jes Munk Hansen , and continues:

☆ Here in the spring of 2020 we rounded up 500 employees in Grenaa, and as the program reaches full-rate production with up to 190 aircraft per year over the next few years, we will further increase employment at the Grenaa plant.

sumber : https://garudamiliter.blogspot.com/

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